Introductory R Tutorials

These tutorials run in your browser on any device. No installations necessary. We recommend you do the tutorials in order.

  1. Quick intro to R and the tidyverse
  2. Summarize data with dplyr
  3. Visualize data with ggplot2
  4. Quick refresher of the linear model

The SuffolkEcon Package

We also have an experimental R package! Demo library(SuffolkEcon) here.


Watch code broken down step-by-step:

  1. Summarize data with dplyr
  2. Visualize distributions with ggplot2
  3. Visualize relationships with ggplot2

Other resources

For help with installing R, R Studio and the tidyverse go to our installation tutorial.

For more R resources go to our resources page.

Looking for...

...the SuffolkEcon website? Go to

...the SuffolkEcon R package reference page? Go to

...the Suffolk Economics Department? Go to the official website.